Business Startups

Some Key Steps You Need to Take to Get Your Start-up Going.

1. Make a business plan – Without this you really do not have a business but simply an idea. A business plan is a formal written document containing business goals, the process by how these goals can be achieved, and the time frame within which these goals need to be achieved. A key element are your financial projections. Often a new venture needs funding, without solid and realistic projections you are unlikely to get your ‘exciting venture’ off the ground. We at IBOSS have written numerous plans for start-ups that today continue to flourish.

2. Secure appropriate funding- Often a new venture needs funding, without solid and realistic projections you are unlikely to get your ‘exciting venture’ off the ground. The IBOSS team knows what an investor, lender is looking for when it comes to financing your project. A financial plan presented in the correct manner with realistic projections is critical in getting the right commitment to support your business.

3. Having the right people in your team. It is so important to having the correct people either working for you or advising you. Both elements must believe in your vision for the business and be prepared to go the extra mile particularly in the early days of the business. We at IBOSS like supporting new ventures and will only charge for our support and help where we really know we can help. We will support you for as long as you need us and have clients who have used us for weeks and others for many years.

4. Marketing – website, social media, customer database etc – You may have a fantastic product or service, but it means nothing if your potential customers no nothing about it. The IBOSS team have a sound knowledge in marketing but are also able to call on a number of Associates and contacts we trust to give you the right level of support and help with your all-important marketing requirements.

5. Compliance – Start -ups are so often focused on getting the sales I often forget there are numerous procedures and legal requirements for practically every business you can think of. So some basic simple advice in HR or Health and Safety could potentially save you a great deal of money by making sure you do not fall foul of the law. IBOSS can advise you on many aspects of these important areas through our business knowledge or again Associates if the situation is more complex. In the case of HR we can not only make sure your staff are compliant to work in your business but can also help with training in sales, customer service etc.

To sum up, we at IBOSS believe that we have the experience to get your start up off the ground with strong support in all the key areas.

Business Advisor Northamptonshire Review